

Ballot box

Australian Elections

Basic information


FEDERAL ELECTION DATE: Saturday 18 May 2019  


Ballot box    Basic information about federal elections

Votes and voting information:

Voting (AEC)
- Voting options: ordinary vote on election day, absent vote, early vote, postal vote, etc.
- Practice Voting: online tools (for both House of Represenatives and the Senate)
- How to vote. See also Practice voting
- At a polling place: procedure, how-to-vote cards, questions, ballot papers, declaration vote
- Informal voting
- Counting the votes. See also Election Night at the National Tally Room - an event that from 2013 is no longer being held
- Scrutineers
- Indigenous Australians

Voting & Elections (

Educational material:

Education Resources (AEC)
- Get Voting: run an election in your school
- Democracy Rules: electoral education resource
- Making a Nation: interactives for Years 9 and 10
- Teacher resources: worksheets, poster, activity sheets, fact sheets, maps
- Community Electoral Education Kit: for people making presentations to members of the community. Covers:

- Australian democracy
- Do I have to enrol and vote?
- Where do I go to vote?
- What happens on election day?
- How do I make sure my vote gets counted?

Autralia's electoral system:

Elections and voting in Australia (Museum of Australian Democracy) [pdf file]
Fact sheet set out as a set of frequently asked questions. (If clicking on the link does not open the file, RIGHT-click on the link and choose "Open in new window".

Elections in Australia (Wikipedia)

Electoral system of Australia (Wikipedia)



Ballot boxes for the Senate and the House of Representatives


To Australian Elections main page

To AusClassroom main page

Email address for enquiries and responsibility for election comment: ausclassroom  at (Replace "  at  " with "@")

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