

Ballot box

Australian Elections



FEDERAL ELECTION DATE: Saturday 18 May 2019  


Girl at deskElection Boy at desklesson units

Discovering Democracy units:

Discovering Democracy units (ABC):
- Should the People Rule?
Focus Question 4: How do the people rule in Australia?
   -  Activity 3: Voting.

Discovering Democracy units (ABC):
- Democratic struggles
Focus question 5: Why didn't all adults get the vote at Federation...
   - Activity 1: The argument about women's voting rights.
   - Activity 2: Methods used by women to gain the vote.
   - Activity 5: The 1967 Referendum.
   - Activity 6: A timeline of Aboriginal people's achievement of the right to vote.

Discovering Democracy units (ABC):
- Parties Control Government See:
Student introduction
   - Activity 1: Preparing for an opinion poll
   - Activity 2: Conducting the poll (Continues in Focus question 3 below)
Focus question 1: What role do political parties have in parliament and government?
   - Activity 1: Class discussion (parties, issues, policies, parliament, government)
   - Activity 2: Who forms the government?
   - Activity 3: Who does what in government?
   - Activity 4: Defining and explaining (party discipline)
   - Activity 5: Loyalty to party or electorate?
   - Activity 6: Is the party in government an elected dictatorship?
Focus question 2: Who do Australia's political parties represent?
   - Activity 1: Australia's political parties
   - Activity 2: 'Left' and 'right'
   - Activity 4: The middle ground
Focus question 3: How do parties select policies and campaign for government?
   - Activity 4: Opinion poll analysis (Continues from Activity 2 in the Student introduction above)
   - Activity 5: Collating the findings

Discovering Democracy activities are also available in handout form

See also our Democracy page and Lesson activities page.


Ballot boxes for the Senate and the House of Representatives


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